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Writer's pictureVirgini Senden

The Thrill of Creating

I was working on this painting yesterday and was really excited about how things were turning out. It is kind of a jumping up and down feeling in your belly that makes you happy. I realized that I have that feeling with all my paintings. Then while I pondered on (standing at an easel provides ample opportunity for that when painting areas that you know how to address) I thought that I have it with everything that I create, whether it is preparing a nice meal, making a beautiful website, sowing a garment, basically anything that comes out of my hands or out of my brain. There might be a bit of variation in the intensity, but the feeling is always there! I guess that I am not the only one who has these feelings. Actually I know that most of us do just by looking around me. People continuously show off things they have created. It makes them feel good and proud.

So would this excitement actually serve a purpose? I think it does. Being excited and thrilled about creating something new encourages us to explore new things. With every thing that we pursue and create we have to overcome some hurdles. Solutions to these hurdles are added to the database in our own brain but also in the common brain. Next time around when we want or need to find a solution we tap into those databases and come up with another creative exploit. So I think it helps us advance as a species. It provides us with all kinds of stimuli and makes our lives way more exciting and fun.

Let's just think for a second that we would not get excited or thrilled when we make or create something (Horrible thought!). Mhmmm... that would first of all be extremely boring I guess and it provokes feelings of a machine like world. A world in which we would not be sparked to try something new because we would not care too much about how things are done or would come out. Making a meal for instance would probably just consist of gathering edible things and eating them. Why would we try to make something nice with it that would stimulate our senses ? Or the arts, why would we need those? The world would be okay as it is, no need for artistic enhancement! No music, no visual art, no entertainment........ no fun! No technical advances. We would probably still live like in the Dark Ages because any advancement would be really slow.

Oh my, what a depressing thought! Am I ever glad that we do have the excitement gene and that we get really thrilled about creating things otherwise I would never have become an artist!



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