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Virgini Loving Life Logo 1080 px
Writer's pictureVirgini Senden

Where would we BE without the BEE

In order to Be we need to cherish the Bee and other pollinators. Without them an estimated third of the food that we consume would not be around. Bees and other pollinators ensure that pollen from the male part of the flower gets transported to the female part. Without this interaction lots of plants would not bear fruit, so no apples, no tomatoes, no cucumbers, no almonds etc. So think about all the plants, domestic and wild, that give us seeds, nuts, berries, fruits and vegetables. These foods are not only important for us humans but obviously also for all the other living creatures. This makes pollinators a vital part of a multitude of ecosystems. But besides functioning as pollinators in these systems they themselves also produce food, which is not only eaten by themselves but also by other creatures. And there are of course other species, mostly birds that have bees on their menu. Also by ensuring the dispersion and pollination of many many species of trees, shrubs and plants which in turn again serve as food or shelter for many other creatures, they are indirect responsible for the survival of many other species. In short without Bees we and lots of our fellow creatures are quite doomed.

In my area the first blooms are the blooms from popular trees and native shrubs. Next come the dandelions .... I know that lots of people want to totally eradicate them, but I usually wait with mowing the grass till they come to the end of their bloom and the bees had a chance to fill up on them. Usually by then other wild plants are blooming. There is a part of our property that doesn't get mowed. We let nature be so it provides food and shelter for many insects and small creatures. When planting my garden and greenhouse I choose varieties that have blooms that attract pollinators like for instance Red Scarlet Runner beans. I have my garden and greenhouse divided in little plots that I use for my crop rotation. I also use it to seed and plant a lot of different varieties of a crop. Besides the vegetables also a lot of flowers will find a spot somewhere in the garden. Providing diversity will attract many insects, not only the pollinators, the bad ones and the good ones. When I walk through it once the plants are sizeable it is buzzing with life and somehow this beautiful mixture makes for abundant crops not only for us but also for all the little creatures. It might look a bit messy, but in this case messy is good!

Photos by @kiwis_in_space. With permission.



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